Monday 10 April 2017

The use of colour in 2001: A Space Odyssey

Hey guys :)
So I was looking at my feedback from my draft essay I handed in and noticed my lecturer said I should mention the use of colour in both films...
I did some research and came across this really interesting source about colour in 2001 and it explains why they used a certain colour, I found this very interesting and I would love to share it with you.


Screenshot of the first part of the source:

I really liked this link because it made me think of things in the film I have never noticed before and it also explains why which is really useful because it is good to know what red simplifies.

For example, it told me that the colour red means a lot of different things in different parts of the film. Such as; the red chairs in the space station is a huge contrast to the white walls - this allows the chairs to stand out a lot.

Some people when they think of the colour red will say it is blood but then others would think of romance and love.  In this film, there isn't a lot of blood or romance but when viewers see the colour that is what they think/feel.

If you want to find out have to read the source :)

This source allows me to use this information for LO2.

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