Monday 5 December 2016



Hi there!! My name is Christie Ellis and I am in my first year studying at Confetti ICT (partnership with Nottingham Trent University).  This blog is for VEPT10029: The Evolution of Film Technology.  Through-out this assignment I will be gathering different types of research for my two chosen films I am going to be writing an essay about.  My two chosen films are 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Martian
The reason I chose both of these films for my essay is because they are very similar in some ways - for example, the same genre (Sci-Fi), both films uses a wide range of visual effects and  
There are some differences between each film which is good as I can compare and contrast them.  For example, 2001: A Space Odyssey was filmed on a film camera whereas The Martian used a digital camera.  Another difference is the technical overview for each film (I will be going through this in more detail in another blog post). 
That is just a few examples of the similarities and differences for each film but I will be talking about a lot more in a later blog. 

That is enough of my introduction paragraph, I am going to now just write about the background information for each film, add a few pictures to make it this blog more creative. 

2001: A Space Odyssey

The beginning of the film

  • This film was directed, produced and 1/2 written by Stanley Kubrick.
  • It starts Keir Dulled and Gary Lockwood
  • It was released on 3rd April 1968 in USA but wasn't until 15th May it wax released in UK.
  • The theatrical length of the film is 142 minutes (2 hours 22 minuites ).
  • The budget was approx. $10.5-12 million.
  • Box office was roughly $138-190 million. 
  • This film was inspired by a short story which was written by the other screenwriter (Arthur C. Clarke) called
  • It is about a journey to Jupiter with a computer-generated machine called Hal.  Afterwards, it leads to the discovery of a unusual black monolith which affects the human evolution. 
  • There are a series of themes through out this film - such as human evolution, technology and  artificial intelligence.  There are more but I will have a blog post just on themes, so more themes dealt with in this film will be on that blog post.
  • It was distributed and financed by an American studio called Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
  • The film was shot and mainly edited in UK.
  • Today, 2001 is known for one of the greatest and most influential films that was ever made
Stanley Kubrick behind the scenes of 2001: A Space Odyssey

The Martian

DVD front cover

  • The film was directed by Ridley Scott.
  • Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain stars in this movie. 
  • It was realised in USA on 2nd October 2015.
  • This film is only a minute shorter than 2001.
  • The budget of this film was $108 million.
  • $630.2 million was how much the film earned in the box office.
  • This film was also based on a novel by Andy Weir
  • It is about Mark (Damon) who is an astronaut and is left for 'dead' on Mars.  The film follows his new life on Mars, his struggle to survive and tries to communicate with his team on Earth to save him,
  • 20th Century Fox was the distribution company,
  • The film was released on 2D, 3D, IMAX, 4DX.
  • This is Scott's highest-grossing film up to date.
  • Filming locations included in Budapest, Jordon and USA.
Behind the scenes of The Martian
Thank you for reading, hope you found it interesting and I will see you soon with another blog......

~ Christie ❤

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