Wednesday 7 December 2016

Cameras used in The Martian

Hi guys :)
Today I will be talking about the cameras and lenses used in each film I am studying, describing the equipment themselves and I will be adding any sources I used to gather information.

The Martian

The Martian used three different types of cameras; Red Epic Dragon, Red Scarlett Dragon and GoPro Hero 4.  The Red Epic Dragon and Red Scarlett Dragon are both digital cameras which are roughly 
I really like that this film used a GoPro. This is because I feel that this made it more interesting because it used a lot of different camera angles, which made the cinematography really creative. 

Below is a video of when the film used the GoPro.  I love this video because it shows you some parts of the film with the use of GoPro, and also how they used it in different ways. For example, the GoPro was attached to a space helmet.

The lenses used for this film was Fujinon Premier Cabrio, Angenieux Optimo and Optimo DP Lenses

The information on this blog post will help me with LO1 (Compare the scientific principles of the chemical reaction of light on a film camera to the impact of light on a digital sensor).

Harvard Reference:

  • V Renee, 2016. What Cameras Were Used On The Oscar-Nominated Films Of 2016? V Renee (Online Blog), 15th January. Available at: (Accessed 7th December 2016)
  • Albert Kloury, 2015 GoPro goes to Mars with Matt Damon on The Martian (online).Available at: (Accessed 7th December 2016)

Hope you enjoyed this blog all about the cameras and lenses in The Martian.  See you soon with another blog post.

~ Christie ❤

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