Wednesday 17 May 2017


This blog post will be talking about the sustainability in film production for UK.

I found out a lot of information on this topic using several websites which some of which I referenced in my essay. I am not going to talk about them as I mentioned some in my essay but here are the link so you can look at them yourselves,

  •  Tim Dams, 2014. Can the UK film production boom be sustained? Televisual (Online Blog). 14th February. Available at: (Accessed 17th May 2017)
  •  Zena Harris 2014. Sustainability could play leading role in film industry. Available at: (Accessed 15th May 2017)

I hope you enjoy reading those articles about sustainability - I sure did and found them very interesting :)


Wednesday 3 May 2017


Hi guys!!

Today I am back and today we will talking about the editing process for both films (very brief as I am mentioning more in my essay).

2001: A Space Odyssey

This film was made in 1968, this means that digital cameras weren't around them so they had to use film.
The editing system 2001 used was called linear flap bed editing.

The Martian

The film was released in 2015.
As this film is more updated and modern than 2001: A Space Odyssey due to it using computer software - it was edited using AVID Media Composer 7.

Sorry if it so brief, I have done a blog post on editing The Martian, so go and check that out!!

Christie xox

Clips - 2001: A Space Odyssey

And I'm back....again!! Two blog posts in one day :)

2001 A Space Odyssey

Below are two clips I have decided to mention in my essay.  I will talk about each clip (how many cuts are in the clips and the camera techniques) and say why I choose this particular clip.
Both clips include Dave and HAL - Dave is a scientist and HAL is the ships computer.

Clip one:

This clip is called HAL 900.

I decided to pick this clip because it is showing an argument between Dave and HAL - HAL is refusing to open the pod bay doors.

Basic camera angles are used in this scene which allows it to be a very easy scene to film - there was only a couple of wide angles, mid shot was used when only facing Dave and then when a camera was facing HAL it was a close up.

HAL is refusing to open the doors because he mouth read the conversation between Dave and and Frank saying

There are 13 cuts in this  minute 49 seconds clip

2 different locations are used in this clip - emergency air-loft and control centre.

Clip two

This clip is 2 mins and 21 seconds

There are 16 cuts.

Different camera angles - mid shot, close-up, wide and rotating anti-clockwise (beginning)

The angle I really like is HAL's POV - this because it is shown as a fish eye effect.

The longest take in this clip is 53 seconds and it is when Dave is showing HAL is sketches.  Dave and HAL are the only two characters in this scene which allows it


Tuesday 2 May 2017

Source: The Making of The Martian

Hey guys! I'm back and today I am for another blog post...

This source was really helpful in terms of my producing my essay - this is because it had a lot of information about the behind the scenes of The Martian and also I felt when I was reading it, I was learning something different.  On this blog post, there are points talking about the use of the GoPro, the visual effects in the film and also the music.



The use of GoPro in the movie

GoPro CEO Nick Woodman talked about how GoPro managed to get a very important role in The Martian.  He firstly explained that it wasn't product placement - below are points he mentioned in the video:

"I believe that originally it was...just supposed to be a prop...part of their spacesuits"

"Once Ridley started to see the camera being used in the film...he was really impressed with the image quality"

"I was told he started realising that they could incorporate the GoPro more and more into the stealth storytelling"


I have done a blog post of editing but I am going to be explaining how this source talking about the post-production stage of The Martian. The editor, Pietro Scalia, got interviewed by Studio Daily and he are some main points I liked the look of.

"Principal photography was shot in stereo 3D with some 11 Red cameras, including Epic Dragons and Scarlett Dragons fit with Angenieux Optimo lenses and more than a dozen GoPro Hero4 cameras"

"In the end we had 250 hours of footage, per eye, and another 60-70 hours of GoPro footage"

Colour grading

I have explained a bit more information on colour grading in the blog post titled 'The use of colour in The Martian'.
Stephen Nalamura was the colourist for The Martian and here are a few points he mentioned while having a conversation with Randi Altman's post Perspective.

"Quite a few shots involved a lot of sky replacements and the addition of mountains in the background"

"When I added the heavy colour correction Ridley wanted...that kind of orange look"

There are a lot more information on the source itself but I thought I would just mention some facts I found out in the source..
Hope you enjoyed!!
