Wednesday 29 March 2017

The Martian - Article One

Hey there!! I'm back again :)
This time I found a really interesting article on The Martian and how it was a coincidence it was released around the same time scientists found water on Mars.

First part of the article

I found this article on The Guardian.  I really liked how the article was reviewing The Martian as a film.

At the end of the article, I found it funny that Peter Bradshaw, the writer of this article, mentioned about 2001: A Space Odyssey.  He mentioned that when 2001 was released, space-aliens were trying to reach contact to Earth.  So I feel that this article was useful for parts of my essay because it allows me to talk about the year it was made to present day. This is because I will be allowed to talk about

This source is helpful in terms of LO4.

Christie xox

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Visual Effects - The Martian

Hey guys :)
This blog is going to be talking about a source I found on the Visual Effects for 2001: A Space Odyssey.

This source will help me specifically with Learning Objective Outcome 2 (Summarise the key technological developments). I found it really useful because it explained some technology that was used as well and also how

There was an example of how the crew created the space travel scenes just using cameras and lights.

Harvard Reference:

  • Leonardo Costa, 2011. The visual effects in 2001 – A Space Odyssey. Admin (Online Blog). 21st January. Available at: (Accessed 28th April 2017)

Christie oxxo